Alessio Cabras

EucalyptusSardegna, 2015/2018
San Vito, Italy, 2017. 
Roadblock during one of the many protests organized by the committees against the huge military presence in Sardinia.

Teulada, Italy, 2017. 
Giovanni in his own land next to the military centre of Teulada. Giovanni is one of the many inhabitants living near the military centre affected by cancer, him and his wife are on the front line in the fight against military.

Cagliari, Italy, 2016. 
Turkish Navy at Cagliari's harbor during the military exercise called “Emerald Move”. During this kind of exercises, an area of 20000 square kilometers is interdicted for navigation and fishing.

Siurgus Donigala, Italy, 2017.
Traditional mask of Escalaplano, town very close to PISQ, where in 1988, 30% of the newborns borned with severe physical malformations.

Teulada, Italy, 2018. 
Part of tear gas used by law enforcement.

Siliqua, Italy, 2017. 
Abandoned powder keg of the Italian Navy, area used by young people to have fun playing war games (softair). The abandoned military infrastructures in Sardinian soil are roughly 177.

Villaputzu, Italy, 2017. 
Bird's-eye view of PISQ (interforce military base of Salto di Quirra) used for launch missiles.

Perdasdefogu, Italy, 2018. 
Nose cone fired during the military exercise.

Teulada, Sardinia. 
Fishermen's party, for fishermen affected by the military presence is paid out a non-fishing allowance by the state.

Perdasdefogu, Italy, 2018. 
PISQ is one of the three military centers in Sardinia, with Teulada and Capo Frasca, and the biggest in Europe.

Arbus, 2016. 
Protests organized by the committees against the huge military presence in

Villaputzu, Italy, 2018. Electronics of missile.

Cagliari, Italy, 2017. Scale model of an Italian military vehicle. With its 54% of youth
unemployment, Sardinia is one of the regions with the highest number of youngs in the army.

Teulada, Italy, 2017. 
Historical picture of 1956 showing the peasants of the lands that were afterwards expropriated to leave space to the military base, causing the depopulation of the area.

Decimomannu, Italy, 2016. Lutwaffe Orchestra ( Germania aeronautica) during the farewell
party at the military airport of Decimomannu. The neighboring lands were subject to
continuous fuel spillage and consequent pollution of the surrounding water springs.

Santu Lussurgiu, Italy, 2015.
Abbandoned military hospital.

Sant'Anna Arresi, 2018. 
Rests of rifle bullets.

Perdasdefogu, Italy, 2018

Perdasdefogu, Italy, 2018
Perdasdefogu, Italy, 2018
Perdasdefogu, Italy, 2018
(IT) Come un corpo estraneo, come un albero che viene da lontano di cui non si conosce il frutto. Una pianta che cresce a dismisura con enormi radici che si insediano nella società: mani di umani che imprigionano tutta la terra buona per ricacciarla fuori esausta, non più utilizzabile.
La Sardegna è la regione più militarizzata d'Europa: con più del 60% delle strutture militari italiane, che occupano una superfcie totale di circa 35000 ettari. Eserciti provenienti da tutto il mondo testano i loro armamenti da oltre 50 anni nell'isola per fini addestrativi (due terzi del munizionamento esploso dalla NATO) con gravi ricadute su popolazione e ambiente.
A partire dal 2011 ha preso avvio un'inchiesta denominata "veleni di Quirra", che ha messo sotto processo otto ex comandanti.
Attualmente sono numerosi i movimenti che lottano contro la massiccia presenza militare in terra sarda.
Da qualche anno a questa parte ho provato ad interrogarmi su questa problematica, conscio del fatto che, probabilmente, poco o nulla cambierà.

(EN) Like a foreign object, like a no fruit tree that comes from afar. A plant that grows up with massive roots which sets up into the society: human hands that imprison the rich land for expel it exhausted out.
Sardinia is the most militarized zone in Europe: more of the 60% of Italian easement for military purposes occupy about 35.000 hectares. Armies from all the world have been testing their armaments in Sardinia for training for over fifty years, with strong impacts on population and environment.
An investigation called “Quirra’s poisons”, that put on trial eight commanders, has started since 2001. Now there are lots of movements which fight against the military presence in Sardinia.
I’ve been trying to question me about this problematic for a few years, aware that, probably, little or nothing will change.

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